How Mental Health Problems Stay Hidden in the Workplace
A nationwide campaign from the federal Department of Health, BeyondBlue and the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance, is spreading the message that businesses of all size, from Sydney to Perth, need to urgently address the stigma associated with mental health. With a proven positive return on investment on every dollar spent, it’s clear that failure to recognise this aspect of holistic health is directly costing your business money and productivity.
It’s a welcome first step in addressing serious issues which remain very much in the shadows.
Recent studies in the UK have shown that as many as one-third of today’s workers would not be comfortable discussing mental health with their employer, and that most people feel they are expected to put up with problems such as stress and depression.
As we read these alarming reports on the true state of mental health awareness in the modern workplace, it’s easy to forget that there are simple ways to support your workers, and preventative steps you can take against future mental and emotional issues.