Trampoline Cardio: So Much Fun, It Doesn’t Feel Like Exercise
For many of us, the idea of running for 30 minutes, or sitting on a bike is tedious. To combat the grueling boredom of cardio exercise, there have been many exercise formats created. These include dance cardio, step, cycling, cardio kickboxing, and the list goes on and on. One interesting cardio idea is the trampoline class, which has been the subject of health research. Some studies suggest positive cardiovascular improvement, and others show very little gains in health. Now, a new study weighs-in on this issue, showing not only is an exercise trampoline a good way to get your cardio, but it also feels like less work than running at the same exercise intensity!
About the Study:
ACE, the American Council on Exercise, sponsored the study being conducted to determine if a trampoline class was a valuable cardiovascular modality. If you look at the chart below, you can see that the trampoline increased people’s heart-rates to within appropriate workout guidelines (between 64% and 96% of a person’s maximum heart-rate, indicated by the box on the graph). If you really know your exercise science and would like to see the percent VO2 max (because you know heart rate is not always the best indicator of intensity), you can follow the link below and see the chart mapping %V02 max as well. Furthermore, you can also see that people were getting more exercise for less perceived work!
Chart from study:
How we can help your company?
Holistic Services Group may not provide trampoline classes – it would be a real hassle for our instructors to carry trampolines to your business – but we do offer fun and motivational classes like boxing, Pilates, yoga, Tai Chi, and many more. If you are interested in any of these services for your company, please take a look at our full listing of fitness classes here – if you don’t see a type of class you would like us to run, then please give us a call on 1300 889 073 and ask about availability.
Mixing it up can be a great way to keep your exercise routine from becoming a chore. Remember that a healthy employee is a more productive employee, and making healthy fun is just an added bonus!
See our listing of corporate exercise and wellness classes >>HERE<<
See our full listing of corporate wellness services >>HERE<<